filename: scotcit/archive/threads/29722.dat
filename: scotcit/archive/rooms/.dat
not exists, get from room archive
forum id:
msg_num: 29722
Runtime error in citadel/lib/forum.mvc @ [0000001f:000001bc]: Line 1404: MvOPEN: Error opening 'scotcit/forums/.dbf': No such file or directory Runtime error in citadel/lib/forum.mvc @ [00000003:0000018e]: Line 149: MvFIND: Database 'forum' is not open 1 finding , found: , fkey: , author_id: , sub: , date: , updated: , ip: , threads: , child:

add subject record to the forum2 db for that forum_id, also add it to array for searching through archive
l.msg_nums: (add rest of forum record info to the array as well for easy access)
now search through physical archive, line by line, to see what we can find as far as messages go and put into real xml array l.filename: scotcit/archive/rooms/.dat

if the number from the l.line is CIN the l.msg_nums list, then we can take that line and add it to msg nums array or to another array of sorts for sortings an bs
Runtime error in citadel/lib/forum.mvc @ [00000003:000005fc]: Line 200: MvIMPORT: Error opening 'scotcit/archive/rooms/.dat': No such file or directory