hi all, this might be slightly off topic.  but i thought this is a good place to get advice on the matter.  increasingly over the last few years, and more so in the past six months i've had a number people encouraging me to create a blog and/or find some other writing outlet. i write mainly personal stuff, for my own growth in my journey through life, and do it for pleasure mainly. i've been recently seeing plenty of live music; twice a week, or more, mainly unsigned artist who are really on top of their game. and in appreciation for just how great these musicians are, i often comment on what i witnessed and how it made me feel. on of the event organisers keeps saying 'marvin' you need to start a music blog etc etc...   my question is;

have any of you out there written music reviews, or music blogs, or a blog of any sort?

i would like to know your experience, and also if there are pitfalls to watch out for.  i only want to do this as a personal challenge and an outlet for something i love doing; i'm scared as hell to do it actually. i understand that it can be a controversial area; personally i hate trying to describe music in technical terms, and i'm not trying to be a critic.  just challenging myself and seeing where it goes...

any experiences, advice, thoughts, annoyances etc are welcome...
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awesome idea, i hope you do it!

you're obviously passionate about writing, and if you feel like writing a music blog, i say go for it.  it's easy to start- just go to wordpress.com and set up an free blogging account. if you get into it, then set up a web page later.

you asked about pitfalls and the only pitfall there is when it comes to expressing yourself in any medium is this: always be yourself.

when you're writing, make sure you avoid the pitfall of writing what you think people want to read.  just keep focused on what being yourself, writing about what you're passionate about, focusing on that stream of thought that is provoking enough to make you want to write about it, and oh yeah, no matter what just be yourself.

so, if you do this, if you set up a blog, let me know where so i can get a link for it up.

food for thought- i want ljp to expand and also write blogs and such in addition to the great forums we already have here.  i'm close to putting up wordpress on ljp.  you could be an author here and have a blog section devoted to whatever you want to write.  you would definitely get some good exposure!  then that will also motivate me to get my own stuff going, and i bet there are two or other three people here who would enjoy getting into it as well.  anyway, consider it, might be cool to start your music blogging career on ljp!
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hi scot, thanks for your response, and the advice.
yep, at this stage of my life i'm learning to express 'who i am', not always easy. but i get it, the trap of being tempted to write 'what you think others' expect you to write'.. i've have a few fears about this, but, why 'sell your soul' at the cost of your passion? so i will grit my teeth and write through the self-created expectations and just enjoy it. recently i read a blog, a woman, talking about fear of success etc, it was hilarious, and she said things that were totally outrageous, but the fact that the had the balls to write them and be truthful about her feelings really got my admiration; no doubt some might not like what she said, but if you're on her level it was diamond stuff. so i've seen your advice put into action via her and others.

i've got an account with wordpress now, and once i get started blogging i will let you know. i understand i can have links to my favourite sites on word press... ljp will be on there.
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