
i play trumpet and i want to develop some piano chops. is there anything you could recommend for me to get moving, for example, voicings or progressions fo...

04/18/2010, by 0 replies
  Old message # 43759

PG Music has exactly what you need:

02/18/2009, by 0 replies
  genuine 'New Orleans Piano' midi files

[sf] Would appreciate anyone letting me know where I can download/buy genuine New Orleans Piano midi files......can't find any on net.

02/12/2009, by 0 replies
  Old message # 35467

do you have any licks?...

06/15/2007, by 0 replies
  need sheet music

[sf]may i please be mailed some typical gospel blues for study.

07/22/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 28333

Here. In this room click on "list files" above (just uner the room title. You'll find a treasure trove of licks.

06/25/2006, by 0 replies

weres the blue licks room...

06/25/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 26237

You are here. click "[b]list files[/b]" right uner the words "Midi and Sheetmusic - Blues"...

04/09/2006, by 0 replies
  The Blues Room

Where is it?...

04/09/2006, by 0 replies
  Bumble Boogie - background info on the MIDI file

The song was adapted from the "Flight of the Bumble-Bee" by Jack Fina. Freddy Martin and his Orchestra recorded this song accompanied by Jack Fin...

10/09/2005, by 0 replies
  sheet music

Scot is there anyway i can get the sheet music to "minor blues" 1084897952. i have a pretty good ear for jazz but for right now i need to read th...

10/01/2005, by 0 replies
  need sheetmusic and leadsheets

hey y'all where can i get original solo performancs and leadsheets for download to practise with?...

05/04/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 10285

Yep, that just about sums up what I think about blues.

01/11/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 10201

t;34wiuh6[o qpi3h;4awyesr ,m...

01/08/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 9916

If you consider a style of music to be like a language, would you say "I want to learn a new language instead of the boring one I know now"? W...

12/27/2004, by 0 replies
  bluezy jazz gospel

I am just now going to study the blues and jazz so I want to know what I should focus on as I begin. I want to know new licks instead of the boring ones I...

12/27/2004, by 0 replies
  Rosa Mae

Hello, does anybody have sheet music or chords or midi file to "Rosa Mae" (played wonderfully by Mary Lou Williams). Thanks a lot, ...

12/20/2004, by 0 replies
  Old message # 9425

Thank you for giving me lots of sample pertaining to piano licks and pattern like blues and jazz. I hope that you will always give me sample sheets and mid...

12/02/2004, by 0 replies
  Old message # 8312

Great minds think alike, I see - and almost simultaneously!...

10/24/2004, by 0 replies
  Old message # 8311

Why not just post them? If they're too much for a message, add a file.

10/24/2004, by 0 replies
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Jazz Piano Notebook Series
Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 1 - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 1 of this educational jazz piano book contains 15 jazz piano exercises, tricks, and other interesting jazz piano techniques, voicings, grooves, and ideas Scot Ranney enjoys playing.

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Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 2 - jazz piano tricks of the trade you can use today

Volume 2 has 14 jazz piano exercises and tricks of the trade, and quite a bit of it is Calypso jazz piano related material, including some Monty Alexander and Michel Camilo style grooves. Jazz piano education is through the ears, but books like this can help.

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Tim Richards' Jazz Piano Notebook - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 3 contains 12 jazz piano exercises and explorations by the acclaimed jazz piano educator, pianist, author, and recording artist Tim Richards.

Tim wrote the well known "Exploring Jazz Piano" and "Improvising Blues Piano" books and has several others to his name.

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Jeff Brent's Jazz Piano Notebook - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 4 is by Jeff Brent, a jazz pianist, composer, teacher, and author of "Modalogy" and other acclaimed jazz theory and education books. In this book Jeff shares detailed analysis of transcriptions of live performances. He covers everything from the shape of the songs to the tricks and licks he uses in improvised lines to the ideas behind his lush chord voicings.

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