hi all,

just wondered if anyone had experience of this and how to get rid of it!

in pain...

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don`t play, don`t carry anything heavy, relaxe and see a doctor...and listen to a lot of jazz while you recover...
i think you'll have to lay off the playing for a bit and give it chance to subside.
not the best thing jsut before embarking on a course at a music college.

how was silsoe??
rick, there's lots of info, links and recommended books at https://eeshop.unl.edu/music.html.  
treat the problem seriously.
i have the beginnings of the problem in my left forearm and right shoulder, so bought 3 of the books from that site last night. i'll report back here with any revelatory information. good luck, and let us know how you get on.
rest...don't play percussively, play lightly with a butterfly touch.
take lots of breaks, avoid fast tempos and double time runs.
use a lighter action. try to release tension while playing.

soak your hands in warm water often, take long baths.
stretch your wrists in the bath by kneeling and placing your palms flat on the floor of the tub out in front of you and with arms extended straight out and gently lean on your hands so as to stretch your wrists (sort of like a runner stretching a straight leg out but yur wrists are in the push up position)

take ibuprofen before playing long sets to reduce swelling and increase circulation.

there is not much more a doctor can offer other than massage therapy.
"stretch your wrists in the bath by kneeling and placing your palms flat on the floor of the tub out in front of you and with arms extended straight out and gently lean on your hands so as to stretch your wrists (sort of like a runner stretching a straight leg out but yur wrists are in the push up position)"

the arm is locked straight so as to stretch the long tendons from the fingers tips all the way up to the shouldrs and neck. whe you do this stretch also let you head hand down loose to stretch the neck muscles. it's a yoga stetch.
stretching elongates the cells of the tissue and allows for better blood circulation which leads to quicker healing. advil also reduces swelling (anti-inflamitory action) and therefore increase blood circulation which can also lead to quicker healing.
in addition to the above:

never massage a tendon.

although the pain is in the wrist area, the muscle mass causing the pulling is in the part of the forearm below the elbow.

always massage in the direction of the heart.


"instrumental musicians are a special risk group for repetitive motion injuries. sizable percentages of them develop physical problems related to playing their instruments. this site covers all musicians' health issues concerning carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, tendonosis, dequervain's syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, etc."
first of all, never self-diagnose.  go to a doctor.  if there is something serious going on, correct it before you do more damage.  

i've been having numbness in the fingers of my left hand, and had a nasty dizzy spell on top of it. i tried to write it off as "just one of those things", but i was given the same advice i just  gave you.  

the doc set me up with an mri brain scan.  seems extreme, but thankfully it was normal and i can breathe a sigh of relief.  secondly,  if there had been something going on, we could have jumped on it in a hurry.

i'm balancing between resting it and practicing chopin etudes...things are better!

good luck rick...you're too young to screw around with this
i started getting finger stiffness and pain at about age 50. my tuner suggested yucca capsules (from the health food store). i gave it a month trial and to my surprise, it worked ! this greatly reduced my aspirin intake !

i just remembered that you recently had an accident where you injured your wrist(s). in light of that, i would second the opinion that you should have a doctor look at it.

what action are you playing on? if it's one hat is too stiff or  heavy it may be forcing you to work to hard. play a light action and one that with keys that bounce back quickly.

avoid a lot of typing.
c'mon rick...how are you? you must give us an update!
back! thanks guys for the advice! it has all been noted down!

basically, its not a new thing, ive had it on and off for two years now (and im only bloody 18!). i think the problem arose because i was taught to play with very curved fingers. different people have different opinions on this, but for me, now im old enough to think for myself (hmmm) i think that its an unnatural position for your fingers, and banging away like that is only gonna do bad.

so now im trying to play with more straight fingers. also i need to sit straight...argh its so confusing, i get about 10 different "methods" of how to confuse myself, but i start at music college in 2 weeks so i hope to get it sorted then!

thanks guys!

btw, still have loads of trio stuff id love to get heard!
what are the warning signs for tendonitis? sometimes i feel slight pain and stiffness in my wrists (especially after playing montunos for two hours straight in a latin band).
mainly a hot pain in the tendons
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