is a cd which has 40 fake books on it which you can print i paid 15.bucks for it check it out  charlie
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i'm pretty confident this is not legal. this seems to go around at musicians conferences and gatherings.  

take care.
i'm sorry for making about 10 of the same thread. i didn't realize pushing the update button would post once more.
of all the gigs i've done this year (around 80) only one club has been has had an  acoustic. none of the places i play regulary have an acoustic. i live in a pretty big city and maybe there are a dozen clubs that are strictly jazz- maybe half of them have acoustic pianos. all the hotles do- but that's not always jazz. maybe i'm wrong, but i think if you want to play jazz these days, you should get the best digital piano and speakers that you can.
before the days of electronic keyboards it was common for places to have pianos.  the problem was, their idea of maintenance was "a new paint job"  often times these pianos were badly out of tune and sometimes hardly playable.  as electronic keyboards became more portable, players would often prefer to bring their own rather than be at the mercy of the "house piano"

as a result, the need for a house piano waned over time.  nowadays house pianos are few and far between.  they're large, heavy, and expensive.  the only places i see them are country clubs, hotels and a handful of places that "feature" the piano.

i played a little gig saturday night on a house piano.  i'm glad i got there early, because i had to fix the damper pedal.  i got my nice clean hands all dirty and broke a sweat fumbling around without tools.  but it still beat bringing my own! :)
that really sounds awful. one in 80 gigs? i think i will have to reconsider this instrument of mine.
yeah play a horn...or better a mic and sing
no one forces you to play anything.  most places just barely get sold on the idea of having anyone play anything nevermind forceing you to play to something.  i only play accoustic when i play solo.  i will only play digital when accompanied by at least bass and drums. where i live several restaurants as well as country clubs have piano's.  in boston all of the nicer hotels still have piano's as well.  although with gas prices the way they are it is becoming impossable for me to take work in boston which is 65 mile drive for me.  the gas expence can be half my pay and it is just not worth it anymore.
i don't take digital gigs unless they pay a lot of money, and i charge a lot for piano gigs, so it works out for me.
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so would you say there's still a market for acoustic gigs? what about new york, are there lots of pianos there?
i've got two gigs - one on an acoustic, and one on my digital.  i love the acoustic gig, i just walk in with a few charts and play.

it just completely stinks. it's a problem that more and more people face when they have to work in a place that they cannot afford (or don't want to). and then the people who do live there no longer have affordable services.  

many businesses charge a sur-tax nowadays, is that something a musician could consider? "i'll do the gig for $x + $20 for gas".
i have just been on a vacation in prague and was surprised by number of blues , jazz clubs and almost all of them had an acoustic piano the bigger ones grands and small caverns uprights and pianists played them in most gigs i went to see
you are going to complain about what it is like to be a musician?  that marks you as a rookie.  only musicians who are green... really green complain about it.  if you are a vet you are bored to tears with complaining about it.  i dont have any complaints about my life as a musician any more.  well except one thing.  yah one thing really does upset me about the whole thing more than i can almost bear to talk about.  its not the money i made.  yah i never made as much as a famous rock star but i had some good years of solid off the books cash.. i got no complaints there   really.   yah i never became as famous as say chick corea or mccoy tyner  but you know i am happy with how good i got  i honsstly am content.  but what really eats at me...
what really tears me up a bit....   well.....   ok...  i thought i would get laid a whole lot more than i did.  i mean everyone said musicians get laid a lot.  well i am not impressed.  i am downright unimpresssed man.  i am a little bit pissed off.  who cares about accoutic pianos and digitals and all that mate you know what i'm sayin?
sshhh....mike...don't give it away....remember...nobody told us
have my standards - she would have to be (at the very least) both female and human (unlike captain kirk).
lol...  yep aint that about the truth of it..  in the end they got it backwards.. musicians wifes get laid a lot.
actually, they also care how good a lover you are.  or aren't.  :-|
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