

Licks and Grooves

Just what is a lick? Licks are part of the language of all musical forms and styles. Classical, rock, country, pop, jazz- they all have licks in them. Licks are like phrases that you hear every day. "How's it going?" "What's up?" Phrases that that will always be in use.

You just have to know where and when to use it. Same goes for licks.

Oscar Peterson is the master of the jazz piano lick. His personal library of licks have been copied for years!

A musical statement that has been played by everyone and is still OK to use when appropriate. In fact, sometimes you need to use them. If you are on a session or a gig and you are playing Nat Cole's version of "Route 66", there's a lick that goes with that song. Endings, beginnings, stylistic, the list of licks is endless.

Licks are a basic part of the jazz vocabulary and you need to know some of them if you want to gig.

  Old message # 35017

how do you view the sheet music?????...

05/13/2007, by 0 replies
  Old message # 33516

Go out and purchase a legal copy. It's the least you can do for Oscar and those who put it together for you...

03/05/2007, by 0 replies
  Old message # 33514

Get a good lawyer - you've either committed, or are about to commit, a copyright crime.

03/05/2007, by 0 replies
  oscar peterson

hi. my name is Xiomara and i have a book of exercises from oscar peterson on pdf but it is too big for been uploaded here. What can i do?...

03/04/2007, by 0 replies
  Old message # 30802

"licks" are words. Music is sentences, paragraphs, stories, conversation, images, feelings, etc...

10/29/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 30787

CLick on "list files" and see what works for you. However, licks aren't jazz, they are just catch phrases. Jazz is a language that you need t...

10/29/2006, by 0 replies

[sf] Okay, here's how we're gonna do it. let's start with the most basic of all and the most applicable of all licks and see how far I can go as a jazz pi...

10/29/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 29411

You need to go to and install the Scorch plugin.

08/21/2006, by 0 replies

[sf]I tried to see the files for scot's groove 2-5, but i can't see anything expect scot's groove 1. How can I see them? Can you send me the file in jpg fo...

08/16/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 28897

the runs tend to be pentatonic and the "flourishes" tend to be arpeggios. Why not take the time to transpose some of the pianists that you hop...

07/22/2006, by 0 replies
  licks, runs and fills for cocktail piano. WHERE CAN I FIND THEM?

I love doing piano bar, sometimes I play jazz , but sometimes I want those runs, typical of cocktail piano. Does anybody have some stuff for me, plea...

07/22/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 24629

click on [b]list files[/b] up above...

02/27/2006, by 0 replies
  grooves and licks

Where can I find some of these for piano on the site so I can study them??...

02/27/2006, by 0 replies
  Old message # 18000

You're close! Look under the title of this room for a link that says "list files" and there you are.

08/25/2005, by 0 replies
  Licks & Grooves

Yo! Don't know if my sight is failing me... but I just can't find how to access Licks & Grooves. Please take my hand and tell me how to find them! TX...

08/25/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 17998

Click on the "list files" link at the top left.

08/25/2005, by 0 replies
  Where are the licks?

I'm trying to find blues and other licks. Where can I find them? Thanks.

08/25/2005, by 0 replies
  Runs and fills for the piano

I badly need some runs and fills to embelish my playing. Where can I find it here in the LJP? Thanks folks.

06/26/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 15218

Well, one person is for sure.

06/17/2005, by 0 replies
  Old message # 15199

Well, if people are playing them, I can easily make some more. The sea of groove is deep indeed.

06/16/2005, by 0 replies
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Jazz Piano Notebook Series
Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 1 - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 1 of this educational jazz piano book contains 15 jazz piano exercises, tricks, and other interesting jazz piano techniques, voicings, grooves, and ideas Scot Ranney enjoys playing.

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Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 2 - jazz piano tricks of the trade you can use today

Volume 2 has 14 jazz piano exercises and tricks of the trade, and quite a bit of it is Calypso jazz piano related material, including some Monty Alexander and Michel Camilo style grooves. Jazz piano education is through the ears, but books like this can help.

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Tim Richards' Jazz Piano Notebook - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 3 contains 12 jazz piano exercises and explorations by the acclaimed jazz piano educator, pianist, author, and recording artist Tim Richards.

Tim wrote the well known "Exploring Jazz Piano" and "Improvising Blues Piano" books and has several others to his name.

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Jeff Brent's Jazz Piano Notebook - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 4 is by Jeff Brent, a jazz pianist, composer, teacher, and author of "Modalogy" and other acclaimed jazz theory and education books. In this book Jeff shares detailed analysis of transcriptions of live performances. He covers everything from the shape of the songs to the tricks and licks he uses in improvised lines to the ideas behind his lush chord voicings.

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