
This is an older article pertaining to the Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise article.

  Message number: 47832

09/26/2010, by 0 replies
  upper structures

As a beginning solo pianist I'm wondering how many that are accomplished play the fine points such as upper structures of chords largely by ear or feel and...

11/15/2009, by 0 replies
  Message number: 41930

Jebmusic- I think writing down the exercises is a great way to help understand them at a deeper level. I find that writing stuff down gives me time to real...

07/06/2008, by 0 replies
  Message number: 41921

This is a great lesson. Lot's of good information here to work with. OUt of curiosity, what are youre views on writing down these sorts of exercises? I hav...

07/05/2008, by 0 replies
  thank you, thank you

I am grateful that you wrote this section. It is probably greedy, but more like this would be wonderful. I'm relatively new to the piano, but was taking ...

05/31/2008, by 0 replies


04/08/2008, by 0 replies
  John Lewis Version

I have a 'Modern Jazz Quartet' recording of this song that is yet another take on how beautiful such a simple chart can be.

03/15/2006, by 0 replies
  Gregg Karukas

Any lead sheet with Gregg's music?...

11/14/2005, by 0 replies
  Message number: 12395

you can roll it (arpeggiate it) if you have to...

04/02/2005, by 0 replies

in the song softly, how do u stretch from b to g octave plus and make it sound smooth if u can't stretch that far, if your right hand is busy? quickly?...

04/02/2005, by 0 replies

i'm new to these... and i would like to know where should i start... what should i learn for basics coz i don't understand wat is said in the basic section...

02/23/2005, by 0 replies
  Message number: 10717

bach is great for fingering too btw, well, especially for holding notes while switching fingers...

01/25/2005, by 0 replies
  Message number: 9922

I already did, but he said the car was in the garage and wouldn't be ready before tea-time.

12/28/2004, by 0 replies
  Message number: 9834

I'll ask Basil Faulty...

12/22/2004, by 0 replies
  Message number: 9650 this your homework assignment? If so, you need to do the work so you'll learn from it:)...

12/13/2004, by 0 replies
  scot w p

[sf]please i want you to give some applications of the following polychords: 9th, 11th, 13th both sharpened and flattened also the use or applications of s...

12/13/2004, by 0 replies
  jp 24/07 04

[sf]hi, this is joselucca ,i just took a look at the site and i think is a salsa piano player new at the art of jazz ,i love pointers and if i can...

07/24/2004, by 0 replies
  Message number: 5438

It doesn't appear as a hot link because of the comma. Copy the URL into your browser's search field.

07/06/2004, by 0 replies
  Message number: 5430

can u plz tell me where to get the whole sheet...only part is displayed in this room..

07/06/2004, by 0 replies
  Message number: 5429

can someone plz send a good lead sheet of this song or tell me where i can get good sheet.... thankz shiv...

07/06/2004, by 0 replies
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