does any one have any info regarding a jazz degree on line? i think i would like to try for one. just to see how much i dont know about the music i love
thanks charlie
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i don't know of any.  i think a lot could be read, listened and written about jazz on line.  performance could even be recorded and
my teacher, dave frank does jazz lessons through skype if you want piano instruction.  tell ya the truth, it's probably the easier way, since you really can't brain power jazz... you gotta just sit down and do it.
kensuguro are you studying with d frank privately in ny in person?
about a year ago, i checked into distance learning degrees for music, jazz in particular.  i couldn't find any.
i guess a music degree is still considered to be something you need to do hands-on, in person.
now, if you want a computer science or law degree online, there are plenty of programs out there.
berklee college of music has extensive on line courses and i think at least an online certificate program.
if you do it make sure your computer is in good shape before you start so you do not loose $500 dollars on one course because your hard drive blows up 2 weeks into the course and no refunds are given at that point.
yup thats my life.
check out the us school of commercial music run by john amaral. tell him dave frank sent you over:)

there are plenty of online classes and schools available, but no legitimate degree programs for music.
well, i found one, it was for church music, and it was based in australia.
so anyone wanting to get a master's or something that would allow them into the academic world as a college instructor or professor is pretty much s.o.l.
you actually will have to attend school in person, on campus, and generally during the daytime hours.
sooo... it just depends on what your goals are.
mike, yup i'm studying with dave in ny.
you are a lucky guy kensuguro.  i studied with dave about seven years ago when he was in boston.  it was the best thing i ever did for my playing.  driving from boston to ny to start up again is a stretch but i do consider it on a limited scale.
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Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 1 - jazz piano tricks of the trade

Volume 1 of this educational jazz piano book contains 15 jazz piano exercises, tricks, and other interesting jazz piano techniques, voicings, grooves, and ideas Scot Ranney enjoys playing.

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Scot Ranney's Jazz Piano Notebook, Volume 2 - jazz piano tricks of the trade you can use today

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Volume 4 is by Jeff Brent, a jazz pianist, composer, teacher, and author of "Modalogy" and other acclaimed jazz theory and education books. In this book Jeff shares detailed analysis of transcriptions of live performances. He covers everything from the shape of the songs to the tricks and licks he uses in improvised lines to the ideas behind his lush chord voicings.

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